Stakeholder Caucus Yields Innovative Ideas for New Action Teams
Some 50 people from businesses, nonprofits, higher education, and philanthropy gathered for ALL IN!’s full coalition stakeholder caucus in October to brainstorm ideas for new action teams.
At the stakeholder caucus, held at Upward Hartford, Achieve Hartford staff divided the group based on the two priorities set by the ALL IN! Coalition Steering Committee – student advising at the high school and/or college level and academic remediation at the high school and/or college level.
Participants brainstormed ideas and came up with four action team proposals – which are being fleshed out this month before being brought to the ALL IN! steering committee in December. The plan is to launch at least two new action teams in January. The four ideas include:
- Bringing more private-sector advisors into the lives of high-school students.
- Training and supporting current college career/academic advising staff on high-demand career pathways and what it takes for students to navigate them.
- Training afterschool professionals on how to provide stronger academic support for high school students.
- Creating dual enrollment opportunities for high school students to experience college.
If you have an interest in helping flesh out any of these four ideas – or if you have other ideas – please reach out to us at